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8 Smart Ways To Entertain Your Toddler In The Car

8 Smart Ways To Entertain Your Toddler In The Car

Going on a road trip is one of the best things you can do with your family. A long drive with your loved ones is truly a magical experience. But mommies, I’m sure you will agree that traveling long distances with little children in tow is not a joke. During the long journey, your child will be strapped to a car seat with minimal space for movement. As a result, your sweet little baby will start feeling cranky and throw tantrums. It takes a lot of patience and some meticulous planning to make sure that your child’s, as well as your own car journey, goes well. So the big question is…

How to keep your child entertained in the car on road trips?

Here are some tips.

family road trip
image credit:

1. Pack the snacks!

Nothing can keep your child calm and relaxed if he is hungry. Plan out the snacks that you will carry with you beforehand, and pack them for your journey. Don’t forget to bring along lots of water and some milk in sippy cups. Although healthy snacks are preferred, you can add in a few of your child’s favorite snacks to keep him happy during the ride.

2. Sing songs

A family road trip is incomplete without some music! Little children react to music in an unbelievable way. Take pictures and videos of your toddler bobbing his head to the beat or your older kid singing along to the lyrics. You can even play some of his favorite nursery rhymes and keep him entertained.

3. Bring your iPad along

If you have an iPad or a tablet, bring it along on your road trip. Download an app, such as KidloLand, which is an all-in-one companion for your preschooler. Loaded with a ton of educational and fun content, your child will surely never get bored of playing and learning.

 entertain car road trip toddler tips
image credit: Pezibear/pixabay

4. Bring some toys!

Your child might have some favorite toys or soft toys at home that she loves to play with, so why not bring them along too? Your children can cuddle with soft and fuzzy toys, making it much easier for them to fall asleep. Avoid bringing toys which make noises for your own sanity.

5. White board and dry-erase markers

A clear white board is a blank canvas, all it needs is your child’s imagination! During a long road trip, your child can feel bored of sitting in one place for long hours. How about giving her a white board with some dry-erase markers? She can doodle, scribble, draw, write and keep herself engaged for quite some time.

6. Finger puppets

Finger puppets are a great way to keep things interesting on your road trip. Encourage your little one to make up his own story with the finger puppets and keep adding new twists and turns to it. This will not only keep him entertained but it will also make him think! Colorful finger puppets are great ‘friends’ for your child to talk to, and it also promotes creative thinking and imaginative play.

entertaining car activities for toddlers
image credit: publicdomainpictures

7. Books

You can bring along some story books with colorful illustrations to keep your little one engrossed. Read the stories to him or let him read them all by himself. When you read a story to him, add voice modifications for different characters and make it fascinating. Your child is guaranteed to love every bit of it!

traveling with children in car
image credit: publicdomainpictures

8. Lullabies

Naps are extremely essential during road trips! You can play some of the lullabies for babies within the KidloLand app on your iPad/tablet and soon, your little munchkin will be drifting off to sleep. Remember to bring some soft pillows for your child so that she can comfortably fall asleep. Once your child has fallen asleep, take a power nap yourself because you deserve it! After all, mommy needs some sleep too.

Summing Up

It’s best to make a checklist and pack all the essentials for your road trip beforehand. Some strategic planning can ensure that your child has a relaxing and exciting journey in the car. Happy journey!

4 Ways To Teach Your Child To Be Respectful

4 Ways To Teach Your Child To Be Respectful

“Treat people the way you want to be treated.”

This is a powerful saying which sums up a lot in one sentence. Every parent wants his or her child to grow into a wonderful human being. One of the most important qualities a good human possesses is politeness. A person who respects his or her peers, colleagues, authority, elders and children, is a good human. Such a person is greatly admired by people of all ages. So if you’re a new parent, how do you ensure that your child shows respect and gratitude? Read on to know 4 simple ways to teach your child to be respectful.

how to teach respect to your child
image credit: ambermb/pixabay

Lead by example.

Toddlers and preschoolers are growing and learning everything they know from what they see and hear around them. A child observes the behavior of his own parent and emulates it. If you’re a respectful person yourself, your child will effectively start practicing it himself. No matter who you talk to – be it a waiter at a restaurant or the old neighbor you see every day – be polite to each and every one. This is how your child will learn from your example.

teaching children respect and manners
image credit: london-scout/unsplash

Talk about it.

If your preschooler says some disrespectful words or phrases in anger, sit down and talk to them about it. Explain to your child, calmly, why such words and the tone of saying they can be hurtful to the other person. Teach them that kindness and politeness are some of the best qualities a person can have. If your child speaks rudely to you or the elders of the family, you can try saying this – “That is not a good thing to say. We must respect one another.” Avoid yelling or using harsh words yourself.


teach respect to kids
image credit : bevashurst/pixabay

Appreciate when your child is polite.

Disciplining your child with a firm voice when they’re being disrespectful is important. But what’s also equally important is appreciating him when he shows gratitude. Teach empathy to your child by using words such as ‘thank you’, ‘please’ and ‘excuse me’ in your daily lives. Be respectful to your child and your child will respect you too. Again, don’t yell at your child, especially in a public place. Doing this can result in him feeling embarrassed and hurt.

teaching toddler respect
image credit: Bessi/pixabay

Teach your kids to help.

Encourage your child to lend a helping hand, at home and at her preschool as well. Teach her those good manners and good behavior helps her to become a wonderful human being. A caring heart and kind words will make sure that your child grows up to be a good person overall. Teach her that even if she wants to say ‘no’, she can do it politely. Show her how to frame sentences so that it’s respectful.

Summing up

Respect means you care to think about the other person’s feelings before you act. Getting angry is natural but how you deal with it is important. If your growing child learns about being compassionate, kind and respectful to others, it’s half the battle won.

5 Tips For A Healthy & Interesting Lunchbox For Preschoolers

5 Tips For A Healthy & Interesting Lunchbox For Preschoolers

Kids, especially the ones under the age of 6, are picky eaters and making a lunchbox for them can be quite a daunting task. If you’ve only been packing sandwiches in your preschooler’s lunchbox, it is time to switch it up and make it interesting for you and your little one! It’s essential that your child’s lunchbox is healthy and also gets him excited for lunch time. Here are some simple and easy ways to make your child’s lunchbox more fun!

1. Get creative.

Cut out vegetables and fruits such as carrots and oranges into fun shapes. You can use various cutters or even cut it out yourself. Make funny faces by including various veggies and set your inner creative artist free. This will not only make the lunchbox fun, but it will also make your preschooler giggle. Try to keep it exciting by choosing a different vegetable every single day.

toddler lunchbox picky eaters
image credit: laundrya/pixabay

2. Keep your child hydrated.

A bottle of homemade orange juice or a yummy smoothie will surely liven up your child’s lunchbox even more. Include fruits such as bananas and strawberries, which will be a nutritious addition to the lunchbox. You can also buy colorful and attractive water bottles, so that your child drinks a lot of water throughout the day and stays hydrated.

healthy lunchbox ideas kids
image credit: digihanger/pixabay

3. Think outside the sandwich.

Instead of the same old sandwich, how about preparing some wraps, rolls, or even some pasta? Including these food items will ensure that your child’s lunchbox is never boring. Increase the health quotient of these recipes by adding some broccoli, peas, and corn. You can even add some chicken and various sauces to ramp up their flavor. Your preschooler will thank you for it.

healthy school lunch ideas
image credit: theandrasbarta/pixabay

4. Pack the power trio.

Healthy eating is a must, no matter what your age is! Make sure that you add the power trio to your preschooler’s lunchbox. The power trio consists of fiber, protein & healthy fat. Whole grain oatmeal, fruits like apples, pears, oranges, are all rich in fiber. Eggs, poultry, fish, dairy products are all great sources of protein. Avocados and hummus are sources of healthy fat.

lunch ideas for 2 year old
image credit: miltonhuallpa95/pixabay


5. Make it fun!

Whatever you do, just make it fun! Kids love different shapes and colors. So, work with that in mind and make the lunchbox very colorful. A wonderful and healthy lunchbox is nothing less than artwork. Make pinwheel snacks, veggie dips, heart-shaped cookies to keep your little one super excited for lunch time! Happy eating!

Tips to Pack a Healthy Lunch

How To Deal With Your Toddler’s Tantrums

How To Deal With Your Toddler’s Tantrums

Every parent of a toddler will agree that the dreaded temper tantrums are a complete nightmare. Your adorable and sweet little child turns into a screaming and bawling one. Raising a child is not easy and handling a crying toddler is definitely one of the tougher tasks involved in parenting. So how do you manage your little munchkin’s massive temper tantrum? Here are some simple ways:

Stay calm.

This might seem like a no-brainer but it is the most important thing to do. If you start panicking or start yelling at your already distressed child, things will only get worse. Your toddler’s fit of anger will recede slowly if he sees you being calm about the situation. Toddlers are still growing and they will end up getting angry about trivial things. Make sure that you take a deep breath and handle the whole outburst calmly.

Give her time.

When your child is overcome with emotions and gets really frustrated, she will throw a tantrum. In this case, one of the things you can do is leave her alone. That doesn’t mean that you should abandon her. Just let her sit in a safe space all by herself and you stay nearby. Once she has calmed down a little, you can come back and talk to her in a soothing voice. Avoid saying things like, “You’re a bad kid!” or “You annoy me!” Be gentle and help her to feel better.

how to stop temper tantrums
image credit: publicdomainpictures/pixabay

Change your surroundings.

Sometimes, toddlers find the worst places to throw a tantrum. It can be a restaurant, a supermarket, or the Doctor’s office. It can be very difficult to pacify your child when he is crying his eyes out about something, especially in public. In such situations, get out of where you are and go somewhere you can be alone with your child. A change of surroundings or some kind of diversion can help to take his mind off the original reason for frustration.

toddler tantrums 2 years old
image credit: jordan whitt


Reasoning with your toddler will not work, so just go ahead and hug! When a child hugs his mom, it releases a hormone called oxytocin in his body which results in him feeling good. It helps to calm down his flared up emotions. Some soothing words and a comforting hug will surely benefit your toddler and make him feel happy.

Be funny.

Making the situation funny for your child can help her see the brighter side of things. With the help of any nearby objects, try to say and do something funny to distract her. You can also make funny faces to make her laugh! Even if it doesn’t completely calm her down, it will definitely help in some way to ease her frustration. Also, don’t forget to appreciate your child when she successfully calms down.

toddler temper tantrums
image credit: amandacatherine/pixabay

Try to avoid future tantrums.

If your child is freaking out so that he can make you buy something that he really doesn’t need, like some candy or a certain toy, politely refuse. Don’t give in. If you do, your child will realize that throwing a tantrum can give him whatever he wants. In order to avoid future tantrums, make sure that you always carry some snacks, in case your little one gets cranky due to hunger. Figure out whether your toddler gets out of control when he’s hungry, bored, angry or sad. Be prepared and tackle the situation before the storm arrives.

Bottom line

Handling your toddler’s temper tantrum is all about some patience and some clever strategies. If your child gets too hysterical and you feel like you cannot handle it, don’t be afraid to contact a child health care professional.

Toddler Tantrums

12 Adorable Baby Photo Ideas That You Will Love

12 Adorable Baby Photo Ideas That You Will Love

A baby is a beautiful addition to a family and capturing the happy moments that come with your little bundle of joy makes for great memories to look back on. Time goes by fast and it’s natural to want to save all the wonderful moments that your child brings in your life. If you’re not a photographer, don’t worry! Here are some easy, helpful and adorable photo shoot ideas for your baby, toddler or preschooler.

Sleeping baby

This is a must-have in every baby photo album and you just can’t go wrong with this one. A cute, sleeping baby makes for a great opportunity to take photos. Wrap your child in warm hats and blankets and capture close ups of every wrinkle, folds of the skin and expression that your baby has while he’s sleeping!

baby picture ideas at home
image credit: tawnynina/pixabay

Use an accessory

Accessories like a crown, headband or a hat can add to your baby pics and make them unique. Capture the way your child reacts to such accessories in candid photos and watch him/her have fun with it. The combination of nice clothes and an accessory will definitely make your child feel awesome.

toddler photo ideas
image credit: esudroff/pixabay

Family moments

Ask your significant other to snap pictures of you cuddling and hugging your baby. If you also have an older child, even better! Hire a photographer or use a timer to take a picture to include your entire family. Cute family pictures will help you to see how exactly you all looked at that point of time.

newborn baby picture ideas
img credit: publicdomainpictures/pixabay

Take a photo with a pet

Your pet dog or cat can add great value to your child’s baby photos. Make a photo album where you include pictures of your child laughing, giggling or playing with your pet. You never know, you might end up with really funny pictures that will fill you with joy!

baby photography tips
image credit: koleida/pixabay

Dress up!

Don’t fret if Halloween has already passed, photo shoots are a great excuse to dress up your little one too! Find cute outfits (like a lion, bunny or turtle costume) that your children will love, especially if it involves their favorite cartoon character. That’s all it needs – then it’s time to take pictures of them enjoying all the fun!

baby photo ideas
image credit: kangheungbo/pixabay

Use props or toys

Surrounding your child with the things they love will make them happier than ever, so remember to incorporate that into your baby photo shoot! Keep some toys or props such as balloons, leaves or a sock puppet that your child can hold on to while posing for the picture. In such pictures, cuteness is guaranteed!

baby photo ideas
image credit: riad135/pixabay

Baby feet

The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts! So true, isn’t it? Children grow up too fast and before you know it, your newborn is a toddler already. That’s why it is important to take a picture of every detail of your little one. A popular and adorable choice of photograph is the ‘baby feet’ picture!

baby feet picture
image credit: fancycrave1/pixabay


A child’s life is filled with important milestones. Record videos or take pictures of your child learning to walk, crawl, run and jump! Your young one will be thankful for these pictures.

toddler photo ideas
image credit: guillaume-d2/pixabay

Reactions to food

We know how children react to different types of food items, be it sweet, sour, bitter or even a little spicy! Grab a camera whenever your child is about to taste something new and capture his/her immediate reaction to it. We’re sure that it will be a moment to remember.

baby photo poses
image credit: avitalchn/pixabay


A child’s laugh could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the whole world. A baby’s giggles can be brilliantly captured in videos or even photographs. It will definitely make your heart melt whenever you see it.

laughing baby
image credit: pexels/pixabay


Nothing is better than your little one enjoying the different seasons. Take your child to the beach on a summer’s day, ice skating on a winter’s morning, or just watch him playing with leaves in fall. Outdoor locations like these are prefect for clear and stunning photographs of your entire family.

baby autumn photo
image credit: publicdomainpictures

Being goofy

Silliness comes easily to every child, so why not capture that, too? The joy that comes with being goofy, especially in the tender years, is unbeatable. Just ask your children to make funny faces at the camera, or even better, join them!

baby funny moments
image credit: elizadean/pixabay

Bottom line

You don’t really need a lot of equipment or professional photography skills to capture beautiful moments with your baby. Your older self will thank you for taking these adorable pictures. Click away!

How To Develop Your Toddler’s Fine Motor Skills

How To Develop Your Toddler’s Fine Motor Skills

Raising toddlers is a Herculean task that only super moms can handle. A toddler’s daily routine includes running around the house all day, having cranky and stubborn moments and being picky with food. Amidst all of this, it is essential for every super mom to make sure your toddler is learning and growing well, too. Hand-eye coordination, learning to balance on their feet, jumping, running, grabbing objects, speech, and language skills are all important abilities that your toddler should develop. A crucial aspect of every toddler’s growth is the development of his fine motor skills. A fine motor skill is the coordination of small muscles of hands and fingers with the eyes which helps a child to perform various activities like zipping up a sweater, holding a pencil, scribbling and much more. Below are 10 ways to develop and grow your toddler’s fine motor skills :

1. Playdough

Introducing your toddler to playdough can have a lot of beneficial effects. The squeezing, rolling, squashing, poking, flattening, separating and cutting (with safety scissors) involved with playdough makes sure that your little one develops hand-eye coordination while keeping it fun and interesting. It also enables your child to fuel his creativity by creating different objects with the malleable playdough.

fine motor skill playdough
image credit: republica/pixabay

2. Tearing paper

Paper tearing might seem like a boring thing to do for adults, but for toddlers, it is extremely fun and also necessary for the development of their finger muscles. Tearing paper helps your child to enhance his grip on the paper with his fingers, increases his hand strength and also makes way for more complicated actions like opening and closing zippers and tearing bread into small pieces. A great activity to keep your toddler engaged and entertained is to let him tear papers into small pieces and make a collage from it.

3. Finger exercises

Finger exercises are a significant addition to your child’s fine motor skill development. This is also a simple and helpful activity for your baby to develop hand-eye coordination. Even simple activities like holding a pencil, clapping, crumpling paper, holding a ball etc. can make a huge difference in your child’s growth.

4. Finger and hand painting

Apart from being a creative way to develop fine motor skills, this is also an essential aspect of your toddler’s artistic progress. Let your child dip her fingers and hands in toddler-safe or edible paint and set her free with a blank canvas or printable coloring sheets. This is how you will motivate and encourage her imagination.

finger painting fine motor skills
image credit: nadinedoerle/pixabay

5. Coloring and doodling

Another way to develop your child’s creative talent is to provide coloring books or printables to him. Crayons, coloring markers, pencils are all great for your children to set their imagination free. You can also let your toddler scribble or doodle on a white sheet of paper. This activity imbibes patience, improves bilateral coordination, develops their color sense and keeps them engaged for quite some time.

6. Tracing

Tracing is a task that helps to develop fine motor skills in a huge way. Children learn how to control their grip on the pencil, learn to draw carefully along the dotted lines which can be curved or straight and thus, prepares them for preschool. Spatial awareness and dexterity are some of the benefits of tracing activity. You can also download apps like KidloLand which includes fun tracing and tapping games to further help your child.

7. Grasping activities

Building your toddler’s hand strength can make things much easier for him/her when they start preschool. Give multiple objects to your child to grasp, such as plastic glasses, toys they can squeeze, toys that they can shake, building blocks etc. Switch it up in between by asking them to pick up a tiny object and then pick up a big object. This makes for good hand and finger exercise for every toddler.

fine motor skills activities toddler
image credit: jarmoluk/pixabay

8. Cutting paper with safety scissors

The next level of your child’s hand and finger development is getting him used to cutting (only with safety scissors). Cutting paper or playdough with safety scissors can refine their finger strength and hand-eye coordination. Your child can start with cutting straight lines, curved lines, circles, squares, and many other shapes. Supervision is a must, especially for this activity.

9. Sock puppets

Easy DIY sock puppets are exciting and significant for the development of fine motor skills. Making different sock puppets will let your toddler think creatively, encourage imaginative play and also improve hand-eye coordination. It’s a complete win-win situation for both, parents and kids! has a great video to make a simple sock puppet.

10. Sticking and folding

Sticking and folding small pieces of paper or using stickers can help your toddler improve his spatial awareness and also increase his finger strength. Exposing your kids to art and craft activities can not only keep things fun and interesting for them but also improves their creative skill, hence making them perfectly ready for preschool.

fine motor skill toddlers
image credit: vincentvan/pixabay

Summing up

Fine motor skills and gross motor skills are important milestones of every toddler’s and preschooler’s development and starting early is very effective. Encourage your little one to perform the activities above and get him/her ready for preschool easily.

The Best A-Z Guide For Your Baby’s Day Out This Thanksgiving

The Best A-Z Guide For Your Baby’s Day Out This Thanksgiving

Traveling with little kids is stressful, but it gets worse during the Thanksgiving season. People throng to airports and cause traffic jams on the roads in huge numbers in order to visit their families for the holiday. Thanksgiving is one of the busiest times of the year and the long wait at airports or traffic jams can be incredibly frustrating for your little one. No matter how you’re traveling, by flight or by car, you absolutely need a checklist to make sure you have everything. Your travel bag should consist of all the essentials – a first-aid box, food and medicine, electronics, toiletries for your baby and more. Here’s an A to Z guide that can come in handy when you travel for the Thanksgiving holiday!


  • Anti-bacterial wipes – These can be useful to wipe your hands after a diaper change in the car.
  • Allergy medication – If your baby is prone to allergies, make sure you carry the necessary allergy medicines.


  • Baby food – This is essential because your child will get hungry during the long car ride or flight.
  • Bib – Carry a plastic-coated bib to catch any spit, drool and to make it easier to clean up after feeding time.
  • Bowls – Bowls or small plates are important to carry so that your toddler can eat from it easily.
  • Band-aids – Necessary to cover your child’s cuts and scraped knees.
  • Blankets – If you’re traveling to a colder region, this is a must!
  • Bathing suit – Carry a bathing suit if you’re traveling to a warmer town.
  • Baby creams – Carry travel-sized lotion and moisturizer which will keep your baby’s skin soft and free of rashes.



  • Comfortable clothing – Long rides can be boring; comfortable clothing for kids can help them doze off faster.
  • Car charger – If you plan to use some electronic devices for your child to play with during the journey, pack a car charger with you as well.
  • Car seat – A car seat is mandatory for your child’s safety. has great guidelines for infants, toddlers, preschoolers & older kids.



  • Eatables – These can include some of the snacks that your child loves to eat. It’s okay if it has a few unhealthy options as long as it keeps your child happy during the journey.


  • First-aid kit – This can come in handy for any unexpected problems that may arise.
  • Formula – Formula, breast milk and juice for infants or toddlers are permitted through the security checkpoint at airports. For more information, you can read the TSA’s rules.

thanskgiving flight checklist


  • Gloves – This is another essential for travel to colder towns.


  • Hand sanitizer – Hand sanitizer can be very helpful to keep your hands clean during long rides.
  • Hair supplies – Hair ties, combs, etc. are some important additions to the checklist.



  • iPad – You can carry any electronic device where your toddler can play with apps. KidloLand is one such educational app where children can have fun with learning.

long flights toddler


  • Jackets – Jackets or sweaters are a must-have to keep your baby warm.


  • Kleenex – Tissues can be very convenient to keep your hands clean.


  • Lollipop – You can give lollipops to your children to ease the pressure on their ears during take-off or landing.
  • Lullabies – Apps which have good lullabies and bedtime songs can be really helpful when your child is having trouble sleeping.


  • Medicines – For unexpected sicknesses.


  • Napkins – An essential in every travel bag!


  • Baby Oil –  Pack travel-sized baby oil to moisturize your baby’s skin.


  • Pillows – Make sleeping comfortable for your little one by taking some small pillows with you.
  • Pacifier – Use of a pacifier during naps or bedtime can significantly lower the risk of SIDS.
  • Portable Potty – A travel potty can help your child relieve himself in times of emergencies.

road trip essentials for baby


  • Quilt – Cozy bedding can enable your child to have a pleasant journey.


  • Reading material – You can either carry story books or get an app which has stories and fables to entertain your child.


  • Sunscreen – Pack a travel-sized bottle of sunscreen to protect your child’s skin.
  • Socks – A pair of socks are perfect to keep those little feet warm.
  • Stroller – If you’re on a car journey to your hometown, make sure you bring a stroller along with you.
  • Shampoo – Travel-sized shampoo can come in handy while you’re on a long-haul flight.
  • Sippy cups – Sippy cups can keep a child engaged on flights and also help him during take-off and landing.
  • Stuffed animal – Your child’s favorite stuffed animal can be the perfect companion for your baby if he gets scared or worried.

toddler packing guide


  • Toothbrush – An essential part of your toiletries packing list.
  • Toothpaste – Pack a small toothpaste tube.
  • Toys – When your child gets bored, he’ll need some toys to play with. Make sure you don’t pack the squeaky toys.
  • Thermometer – For any unexpected illnesses.
  • Towel – To clean up easily.
  • Trash bag – You can use a trash bag to collect your child’s soiled diapers for disposal.


  • Underwear – Always keep an extra pair of your child’s underwear with you.
  • Umbrella – For any unexpected rain.


  • Veggies – Cook your child’s favorite vegetables and bring them with you for a healthy snack.

packing baby's travel bag


  • Wipes – An essential for a child’s packing checklist.
  • Water Bottle – Your child will get thirsty often, make sure you have enough water with you.


  • Ziploc bag – You can pack individual outfits of your child or pack snacks in Ziploc bags.happy thanksgiving 2016
Thanksgiving : Best Craft Activities For Your Toddler

Thanksgiving : Best Craft Activities For Your Toddler

ThanksgivingIt’s mid-November already and Thanksgiving is near! What better way to celebrate it, than with awesome Thanksgiving craft? Make this holiday memorable for your toddler by engaging in Thanksgiving themed craft activities together and adorning your house with your little one’s creations. Thanksgiving was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest, but soon it also became a way to be vocal about the things and people in your life you are thankful for!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are 5 simple and creative Thanksgiving craft ideas that you and your kids can easily do together!

Thanksgiving paper turkey

  • Carefully cut out a simple circle or the outline of the number 8 on a brown paper. This will be the body of your turkey.
  • Stick googly eyes or draw them on with a marker.
  • Cut out a small triangle from a paper for the turkey’s beak.
  • Stick a small red piece of paper for the snood of the turkey.
  • After that, you need to cut out leaf-shaped pieces out of papers of different colors.
  • Stick the pieces next to each other and then, they should look like the feathers of a turkey!
  • Finally, glue the body of the turkey to the ‘feathers’ you just made.
  • Ask your preschooler to write one thing he’s thankful for on each of the ‘feathers’ and then it’s done! You have your very own cute little thanksgiving paper turkey.
image credit: graphicmama-team/Pixabay

Paper plate turkey hat

  • First, cut out a paper plate in half.
  • Paint all over the plate in any shade of brown!
  • Glue the circular sides of both the halves together. Keep the straight side as it is. This will be your paper hat.
  • To decorate it, stick a pair of funny-looking eyes, a beak and a snood, all cut from paper, on one side of the paper hat to make it look like a turkey.
  • Get some colorful feathers which you can find from any craft shop.
  • Stick the ends of the feathers to the back of the paper hat.
  • That’s all! Your happy little toddler can wear this turkey paper hat all day to celebrate Thanksgiving!
thanksgiving craft ideas for kids
image credit: Graphic mama team/Pixabay

Thanksgiving greeting card

  • A greeting card is a great way to show how thankful you are for all of the things that you’re blessed with.
  • On a piece of white paper, you can paint the trunk and branches of a tree with brown or black paint.
  • Ask your child to dip his finger in paint (make sure you’re around when he does this!) and stamp on the paper.
  • Once it is done, your tree will be complete.
  • Write down all the things that your child is thankful for next to the fingerprints once they’ve dried up.
  • Your hand-made Thanksgiving greeting card is ready!
thanksgiving greeting card
image credit: monikabaechler/Pixabay

Waffle turkey!

  • Thanksgiving is incomplete without any food! Here’s a wonderful edible craft idea for Thanksgiving.
  • You will need one big circular waffle and one small circular waffle. This will be the cute body and face of the turkey!
  • Place the small circular waffle on top of the big waffle.
  • Cut out small circles out of some chocolate, and place them on the small waffle as the ‘eyes’ of the turkey.
  • A triangular piece of fruit will serve as its beak.
  • Next, cut two triangle shapes out of a new waffle. These are the turkey’s wings.
  • The final step is to cut various fruits in triangular shapes and position them as the turkey’s feathers. And it’s done!


Turkey hand print art!

  • Ask your child to dip his palm into some paint and print it on a paper.
  • Now gather some fall leaves and paint them in crazy colors.
  • Stick them around your little one’s hand print.
  • Draw a pair of eyes, beak and a snood to give it the full turkey look!
  • Your creative little hand print turkey is ready!
thanksgiving hand print art
image credit: NadineDoerle/Pixabay
How To Get Your Toddler To Eat Healthy Food

How To Get Your Toddler To Eat Healthy Food

Let’s be real – if you keep a bowl of veggies and a slice of pizza in front of your toddler, he will most likely go for the pizza. Your child is growing and you definitely do not want his diet to consist of fast food and junk food. A nutritious and balanced diet composed of healthy food plays an important role in a child’s overall development. Vitamins, minerals, calcium, carbohydrates, proteins – your kid needs them all.

If your child is a picky eater and heavily prefers sugary treats over fresh vegetables and fruits, this list will come in handy. Here are some recommendations for you to get your toddler to eat healthy food!

Make food fun

Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring! Cut soft carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers or strawberries, bananas etc. and make funny faces with those slices. Vegetables & fruits provide essential vitamins and minerals to your child and it’s necessary to make it a part of your toddler’s meal time. Remember, eye-catching presentation goes a long way!

kids healthy food
image credit: Bubblejuice/pixabay

Sneak in some healthy food

Prepare a purée of certain vegetables that your toddler wouldn’t eat otherwise, and use it as a sauce. Make a dip made of beetroot or avocado and serve it to your unsuspecting child. You can also disguise a few vegetables inside a bowl of chicken soup!

Make healthier options for toddlers

If your child has very limited choices in terms of food, don’t worry, you can make healthier versions of them! Include bread and cereal in his diet that is made from whole grain. Bake potato chips instead of frying them. Make pasta, but include veggies and puréed vegetable sauces in them.

image credit: Jill111/Pixabay


Be a good role model for kids

Practice what you preach! Don’t expect your children to follow a healthy balanced diet if they see you munching on fatty foods. Be a good example – eat healthy, nutritious food and your child will follow your lead.

image credit: tookapic/pixabay

Set a schedule

Your child might feel like snacking on something only because he is bored. Avoid this by setting a schedule of eating. If your toddler really likes to snack in between, give him some fresh fruits to nibble on occasionally.

Set limits

If your toddler craves for some unhealthy food or chocolates occasionally, don’t refuse him completely. Make your rules clear to your children and stick to them. A small cookie, candies are completely fine as long as they are eaten in moderation.

image credit: EdMontez/Pixabay

Be innovative

Children get bored very easily. Make it interesting every time by adding new veggies, fruits or by presenting it in a different way. As a parent, you have to be on your toes if you don’t want your toddler to get bored with healthy food!

Consult a doctor and decide on a good, balanced diet for your child. has a nutrition guide for toddlers that you can check out.

child eat healthy food

How To Help Your Toddler Welcome A New Baby

How To Help Your Toddler Welcome A New Baby

A new baby on the way is an exciting time for everyone. But how do you prepare your toddler for the change that’s coming? Try to tell your three-year-old that she’s getting a new brother or sister before you tell other family and friends. If her auntie asks her if she’s looking forward to the new baby, and you haven’t explained it to her yet, she may get a bit baffled. Here are 5 ways you can prepare your toddler for a new addition to the family!

1. Talk about the new baby daily until and after she arrives.

Explain that a new baby is being brought into the family because you have more love to share. Try this, “Daddy and I had you because we had lots of love to give. We are having/had your
sister because we found even more love to give. Do you think you’ll have love in your heart to give to your new baby sister?”


2. Include your toddler in your preparations.

Let him help you pack your bag for the hospital, clean the bottles, paint the nursery and put diapers away. Take a tour of the hospital or birthing center with your toddler in tow. Be sure to
sneak a peek at the new arrivals too.

3. Have your toddler pick out a gift just for the new baby.

Take a special trip to the store and have your toddler pick out a gift just for the new baby. Likewise, pick out a special gift from the baby for his big brother or sister. When your baby and toddler meet, have them give their gifts to each other.


4. Give your toddler a role.

Talk often about the fact that each member of the family is important in their own way and makes their own special contribution. The family needs each person for it to be whole.

5. Give a little extra love.

Emphasize the older child’s importance by going through his baby pictures and talking about what a wonderful baby he was, and what a wonderful boy he is now.


Image Credits: sathyatripodi, christianabella, sathyatripodi